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Meet the Staff of Muslim Community School/Alim Academy 2014-15

Salahuddeen Abdul Kareem
o Bachelor’s degree in Business Management
o Nearly 30 years of experience in Muslim schools as teacher, coach, parent representative, board member, assistant principal and principal

Shadi Afshar
o Degree in International Studies with focus on Peace and Conflict Resolution
o 3 years teaching experience at MCS/AA

Mais AlRaee
o Master’s degree in Mathematics Education
o Teaching experience in Chicago Public School System
o 2nd year at MCS/AA

Mahboubeh Azarmnia
o Master’s degree in Microbial Genetics and Physiology
o 4 years of teaching experience at MCS/AA

Lynda Hitchcock
o Years of experience as a high school career and college counselor
o New to MCS/AA this year

Farideh Imani
o Fine arts and fashion design major
o 18 years of experience as an art teacher
o 7 years of teaching experience at MCS/AA

Norbani Ismail
o PhD in Islamic Studies from Malaysia
o 3 years of teaching experience at MCS/AA

Sheikh Abdul Jalil Nawee
o Renowned religious speaker and adviser
o 8 years of Quran and Islamic Studies teaching experience at MCS/AA

Farida Khan
o Early childhood certificate
o Completed clinical coursework as a certified nursing assistant
o 21 years of experience at MCS/AA’s Daycare

Margarita Lopez
o Spanish Instructor
o 2nd year at MCS/AA
o Private tutor

Hasina Nabeel
o Pre-K co-teacher
o 2 years of experience as teacher’s aide at MCS/AA early childhood department

Somayyah Nahidian
o Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education
o Master’s degree in Educational Leadership
o 22 years of teaching experience
o 12 years teaching/administration experience at MCS/AA

Zahra Nahidian
o One of the founders of the school
o 30 years of experience as the school’s Office Administrator

Irda Nurwahyuni
o Pre-K co-teacher
o Focus of studies in English Language in Indonesia

Nermiz Saleh
o Teacher of the Arabic language
o 4 years of experience at MCS/AA

Ali Soleymani
o IT Professional
o Professor at NVCC
o 2 PhD’s, 4 Master’s Degrees, and 1 Bachelor’s Degree
o New to MCS/AA computer and technology department

Coach Tim
o PE teacher
o 2nd year at MCS/AA
o Director of local athletic teams

Ms. Yeater
o Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education
o 2nd year at MCS/AA

Nusrat Zaidi
o Master’s degree in English Language and Literature
o 7 years teaching experience at MCS/AA