Admissions Process
In order to be considered for admission, the following conditions are to be met:
Step 1: Pre-Admission Preparation
• Pre-K applicants must be four years old by September 30 of the year in which they are to be enrolled
• Kindergarten applicants must be five years old by September 30 of the year in which they are to be enrolled.
• Transfer students in grades 1 – 12 are required to submit transcripts or grade reports in English for work done at all other schools, including behavioral notations, before a decision is made to accept an application packet.* These may be unofficial at this point; however, official transcripts (with the school’s seal) will be needed for the Application Packet.
• For students in grades 1 – 12, a prospective parent and student interview is held with the Principal or designee(s) before a decision is made to accept an application packet.
1. Students applying at the high school level should inquire as to their eligibility in meeting our graduation requirements by the end of the 12th grade.
2. Home-schooled students need to provide three reference sheets (available from the office).
Step 2: Application Packet
Upon invitation by the MCS/AA System, parents are requested to submit application packets for further consideration and an admission decision. Incomplete applications cannot and will not be considered.
An application packet includes the following:
• Application Form
• Payment Plan Contract
• Financial Aid Application, if applicable
• A copy of the applicant’s birth certificate or passport
• A signed School Records Request which enables official copies of records to be sent to MCS/AA for review.
• Immunizations Record
• A signed Parental Agreement
• Payment of application fee or approved fee waiver
Step 3: Admissions Deposit
Upon approval of admission to the MCS/AA School System, parents make a deposit to secure the place for their student. This deposit is non-refundable, except for instances that involve relocating outside of the metro area or other special circumstances. We are unable to hold a place for students without payment of the Admissions Deposit.
Late Admissions and Return from Breaks
Decisions to admit students after the academic year has begun are made on a case-by-case basis and are largely dependent on the academic performance of the student in previous terms, either at our school or another. We are unable to admit students after the third week of instruction has begun for the semester as it affects the overall academic quality, except under extenuating circumstances.
Priority Application and Pre-Registration Dates
For New Students—Priority is given to students who meet the following application dates:
For Continuing Students—Pre-registrations for the following dates are given a $150 school credit to be used as desired:
Term Not later than
For Fall (September) entrance—May 1
For Winter (January) entrance—November 1